Friday, September 4, 2009

Soy una guiri!


That’s right! A “guiri” is the Spaniard’s way of saying “foreigner”. Today we had a Culture 101 class that helped point out some of the ways we can seem less “foreign” in Sevilla and become more like locals during our time here. The following is a list of things I’ve learned or experienced since arriving that accurately describe a facet of the Spanish culture:

1. Spaniards don’t smile or say hello unless they know you, which for me means no one. I’m starting to be able to spot Americans from a distance because they always have a goofy grin on their face. The Spanish mentality is that if I don’t know you, why should I waste the energy on acknowledging you.

2. “Piropos” are compliments that men yell to you on the street. They say things like “Hola guapa!” (Hey there, beautiful!) or “Ay, rubia!” (Oh, blonde!). It sometimes seems strange and a little rude or vulgar, but here it is the way men express their appreciation of your beauty. I’m learning to just smile to myself and keep walking. J And it is kinda nice to hear that you look nice. American men should adopt this custom…hahaha

3. “Dressed up” in America is, like, notches below the Spanish “casual”. The women here dress VERY fashionably and wear thin sandals with no support or spiky high heels on the uneven cobblestone streets. I definitely stick out a little in my Chaco sandals, but at least I don’t have sprained ankles! J The Spanish women have a phrase, “Para presumir, hay que sufrir.” Which translates to “If you want to look good you have to suffer.”

4. Spanish women also dress with the mentality of “If you’ve got it, flaunt it. And even if you don’t got it, still flaunt it.” Short short dresses, revealing tops…all accepted as natural. Overweight women still wear tight clothes and show it all off. I’m still getting used to not categorizing some women in the “slutty dresser” category and realizing it’s totally normal here.

5. Television is a huge part of the culture. Mealtimes are oriented around the TV. Our senora has the TV on during every meal and we talk a little during the meal, but we watch TV for about a half hour or so afterwards. Oh, and they LOVE soap operas. The cheesier and more melodramatic, the better.

6. Public nudity is not illegal here as long as no one under 18 sees you. Nor are graphic public displays of affection that unusual. I speak from experience on this one. L

7. Alcohol is available pretty much whenever and wherever, even if you don’t want it. For example, today I went to a “bar” or little café, and ordered a fanta, or orange soda, and received an orange soda wine cooler. Not what I ordered, but delicious nonetheless. J


the Puffs said...

I love hearing about how you're doing!! Can't wait to talk to you again!