Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mi Horario Diario

I'm falling into my rhythm and routine here. It feels like I've been here forever, not just a week (a week exactly from today, actually). My daily schedule looks a lot different than in the US, mostly thanks to Spanish mealtimes, but that's ok...I kinda like it.

7:00 am - Wake up and stumble to the bathroom to take a shower and wash off all the sweat that I can't seem to escape for even a moment here.

8-8:30 am - Begin walking to school. It's about a 30 minute walk, and it's fun to see the same people on a regular basis. It helps this huge city feel more like home. We are now "regulars" with the guy who hands out the free newspapers on the corner by our school every morning. :-)

9:00 am - Classes start for most students, but I have a break during the first time slot, when I usually check my email and update my blog...this is actually when I'm writing this right now. haha

10:00-1:30 pm - Classes with a break between my second and third class. I'm taking Spanish Art and Architecture, History of Spain's Religious Cultures, and Advanced Communication/Grammar.

1:30-2:00 pm - Classes are done and Lisa and I walk home.

2:30 pm - Lunch with Angeles and Basilia at home.

3:30-5:30 pm - SIESTA!!! and homework time

6:00-9:00 pm - Sometime we have an evening activity, and sometimes we just stay home. It depends on the day. Yesterday we went to the "papeleria" and bought notebooks and folders for school and then to the "heladeria" on the corner near our house for some DELICIOUS ice cream. I'm not kidding...this place rivals the Custard Cup.

10 or 10:30 pm - Dinner and then we watch TV for awhile after we finish eating.

11:00-11:30 pm - Finish any homework and read my book while Lisa showers.

11:30-midnight - Go to bed and toss and turn for a half hour while I sweat to death in our oven of a bedroom. :-)


Laura said...

Kate...I LOVE the updates, you need to keep them coming! It sounds like you are doing so well, I am glad you and Lisa are doing so much and getting used to the city life. We will have to plan a skype date sometime. Love ya!