Well, last night was certainly interesting. I can't say that I necessarily enjoyed it, but it was a good experience to have under my belt as a future Spanish teacher. Just for the record, if any of my future students ever read this, I did this for you and not for me. :-)
It was pretty gory. I don't especially want to go into detail, but basically there are three "toreros" or matadors and each of them get to kill 2 bulls. They don't just kill the bull, though. They weaken it by stabbing it a bunch of times and making it run around. Needless to say, it was a horrifying spectacle to watch, but I made myself watch one entire fight and then I let myself read the program for the rest of the fights. Lisa and I met another American
student who was sitting next to us, and she was telling us some different things about the bullfights. She said the meat from the bulls goes to poor families in the city, but our senora said that was not true and the meat goes to butcher shops and sells for a lot because it's highly coveted. Once the bull is killed, one of the men working to weaken the bull will judge whether or not the torero did well. If the torero did well, they cut off one of the bulls ears for him. If he did really well, he gets both ears. And if the torero did a superb job, he gets both ears and the tail. What morbid prizes!

Today is the first day of classes, and I'm writing this during my little break before my first class. Wish me luck! :-)
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