Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Wonderful Realization

As I prepare my heart for a week of camp counseling next week, I am so excited.  Working with high school youth will be a different counseling experience than what I'm used to.  However, I'm excited to be able to share with these campers on a more mature level and hopefully dig into some real deep faith issues.

Thinking about my years as a sr. high camper has made me realize just how much I've changed since then.  I've always been a passionate person, loving to talk and express my feelings on a variety of subjects.  The most striking change I realized was that just four years ago, I knew Jesus but I didn't know him intimately.  What would get me most fired up when I talked to people was politics and history and what was going on in the world.  As I would talk about those things I would grow angrier and more frustrated.  Today, after all that has happened in the past four years the thing that I'm most passionate about is the Lord.  I don't like to talk about politics anymore because of the fact that it makes me angry.  I would much rather talk about my Lord and feel my face light up with love as I speak.  Praise be to God for the changes He has made in my life in the past four years. :-)  May I make a loving impact for His glory in the lives of my campers next week.