I have a cold. I am mildly dissatisfied with this fact. For the past two days, I have been guzzling water like nobody's business, taking Airborne twice a day, and taking Zicam every 3 hours as directed. Tonight I had to take Sudafed, which means that my cold is not getting better, but worse. Stupid germs. I don't want to be sick for my birthday, because that's just stupid. I suppose if I am, oh well, life goes on. But still...I've been looking forward to my birthday for awhile now. It's actually the only thing I've been looking forward to this semester. What a bummer if I won't be feeling well. :-( So pray for me, and I will continue to do everything in my power to get better ASAP.
Last night when I got back to my apartment, my roommates had decorated everything with streamers and balloons and had made me a cake! I knew about it, but it was still a wonderful surprise and I felt very loved. They even gave me a gift: PEEPS!!!! (they're my guilty pleasure) and a canvas with some more paints. The canvas is for me to paint this weekend and to bring to my birthday extravaganza. Nancy will be in charge of it, and all my friends will get the chance to write well-wishes and messages on it! I have a feeling that this is going to be a treasured keepsake. :-)
And it's finally FRIDAY!!!!!
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