Hahaha...here's some photos of the fundraiser! It went off with out a hitch this morning, and it was very amusing to see Gerald, our director of ministry development, and Richard, the head of campus security, kiss these cute baby cows! (Captions are for the picture above them.)

Rob S. from my church graciously offered us the use of his 3-week old twin calves, Chili and Pepper.

Rob S. from my church graciously offered us the use of his 3-week old twin calves, Chili and Pepper.
Corralling the calves was a little tricky. hahaha
Dr. Brown held up the sign and caught students' attention as they were leaving chapel.
The poor calves look so frightened in this photo! And for good reason! hahaha

Thanks to everyone for all your help and support in YES's fundraising efforts.
Or should I say, "Thank MOO!" :-)
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